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Let's Reduce Waste and Restore Hope

According to estimates from various sources, including the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the fashion industry is known to generate a significant amount of textile waste each year.

One estimate suggests that around 85% of textiles end up in landfills or incinerators annually, contributing to environmental pollution and waste. This includes clothing, accessories, and other textile products that are discarded by consumers or retailers.

The fast fashion industry, characterized by rapid production cycles and disposable fashion trends, has been identified as a major contributor to textile waste. Many garments are produced using non-renewable resources and synthetic materials that do not biodegrade easily, leading to long-term environmental impacts.

Efforts to address textile waste and promote sustainable fashion practices include initiatives to reduce consumption, increase recycling and reuse, and promote circular economy principles. Organizations, governments, and industry stakeholders are working to raise awareness about the environmental impacts of clothing production and consumption and develop strategies to minimize waste and improve resource efficiency throughout the fashion supply chain.

We hope to attract more socially conscience brands that are willing to partner with us to repurpose out of season and over run garments.

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